
ZARPA Los 4 Jinetes del Apocalipsis


Zarpa Rock, a Spanish band later renamed Zarpa, was formed in 1977 by four young friends of Vicente Feijóo on lead vocals and lead guitar, Eduardo Feijóo on bass and vocals, Javier Herviás on guitar and Jesús Martinez on drums. They recorded this album, live within an hour and a half due to low budget and the sound of the songs is sharp, primitive and rough. But the bankruptcy of Zeus Rock hang the album on...long darkness. The sound of Zarpa was a wild and relentless early metal, with fuzz & wah wah guitar, cool vocals and 5 songs of hard rock aesthetics. I lost my mind with the tracks Los 4 Jinetes del Apocalipsis and of course with El Hambre. Two amazing songs in which Zarpa unfold their extraordinary talent.                                            That is the first reissued in vinyl, where we can find many photos etc from Vicente Feijóo's archive. .                             The many fans of early metal, hard rock and guitars and raw vocals explosions will be thrilled.

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